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Heart hands around hospital sign

Osler Foundation to raise $1 million for COVID-19 response

Posted on Wednesday, April 01, 2020 12:00 AM

William Osler Health System Foundation (Osler Foundation) is committing to raise $1 million for William Osler Health System’s (Osler) novel coronavirus (COVID-19) response. The Health Care Heroes campaign was launched to raise funds to help provide Osler’s health care workers with the tools they need to save lives. Funds raised will go towards purchasing urgently needed equipment, such as personal protective equipment (PPE), ventilators, stretchers, vital signs monitors and thermometers. People wishing...

Osler staff member donning Personal Protective Equipment

Osler launches collection drive for Personal Protective Equipment to help frontline staff fight COVID-19

Posted on Thursday, March 26, 2020 12:00 AM

As health care workers continue to battle COVID-19, William Osler Health System (Osler), like all Ontario hospitals, is preparing for an increased number of COVID-19 cases and for an increased need for personal protective equipment (PPE), should the need arise.

To help ensure Osler’s three hospitals—Brampton Civic Hospital, Etobicoke General Hospital and Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness—have adequate supplies over the coming weeks, a collection drive has been launched for donations...

Osler's three hospital sites: Brampton Civic, Etobicoke General and Peel Memorial

A message from Osler’s Interim President and CEO, Dr. Frank Martino

Posted on Friday, March 20, 2020 12:00 AM

At Osler, we recognize many in the community we serve are concerned about their health and the health of loved ones. We want you to know we are here for you. Osler is well prepared to deal with the challenges ahead and is committed to providing safe, quality health care as well as reliable information – even as the situation surrounding COVID-19 evolves.

In times like these, we truly appreciate how important it is that we continue to rise to our vision of delivering patient-inspired health care without...

A man washing his hands

Five facts about handwashing everyone should know

Posted on Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:00 AM

We all know it’s important to wash our hands. But do we know where we may fall short? There’s more to hand washing than you may think! With help from Osler’s Manager of Infection, Prevention and Control, Janine Domingos, we’ve come up with a list of surprising facts and tips about hand washing that can help you have the cleanest hands (and keep yourself healthy in the process).

The no-brainer (but important) initial fact

Washing your hands helps prevent the spread of illnesses and infections. Washing...

Holi Gala logo

Holi Gala 2020 cancelled due to COVID-19 concerns

Posted on Thursday, March 12, 2020 12:00 AM

Given the significant concerns about the rising cases of COVID-19 in Ontario, William Osler Health System Foundation (Osler Foundation) has decided to cancel this year’s Holi Gala planned for April 4.

Osler Foundation extends heartfelt thanks to the sponsors, committee members and guests who so faithfully, year in and year out, support Osler physicians, nurses and staff who serve with dedication and passion—24/7—and especially during these difficult times.

“All of the equipment in Osler’s hospitals...