
Seven ways to combat the winter blues
Posted on Sunday, November 24, 2019 12:00 AM
The winter blues, also known as seasonal depression or Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is a mood disorder that affects people when the shorter winter days disrupt our internal body clock. During the season existing mood disorders can worsen, while some people experience seasonal patterns of atypical symptoms, like an increase in sleep, appetite and weight.
Most people can continue on with their normal routines without noticing major changes, but they aren’t functioning at their best, feeling a...

Back-to-school toolkit for parents
Posted on Thursday, August 29, 2019 12:00 AM
Back to school. It can be the most nerve-wracking, exciting and bittersweet time of the year for both parents and children. But when this time of year takes control over your child’s emotions, it can be helpful to know how to best prepare them for the year ahead. We spoke with members of Osler's Children’s Mental Health program (Samantha Lawrence, Manager, and Danuta Southgate, Social Worker) who shared their best tips to help kids of all ages make a successful transition back to the school yard.
Breastfeeding tips for new moms and their families
Posted on Wednesday, August 07, 2019 12:00 AM
When it comes to breastfeeding, positive and supportive attitudes of those around a mother can ensure success. At Osler, we have lactation teams at all three sites that support mothers' breastfeeding needs, run daily classes and encourage family members to participate in the learnings. To provide some insights, we spoke with Jacqueline James, Lactation Consultant, to learn how we can empower moms and promote breastfeeding.
Tips for breastfeeding- Skin-to-skin: Babies usually feel calmer after...
How simple and amazing it is to donate cord blood
Posted on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 12:00 AM
For many people, a blood stem cell transplant is the last and best hope of recovery for over 80 diseases and disorders. With approximately 75 per cent of Canadians requiring a stem cell transplant relying on finding a match outside of their immediate families, there is an ongoing need for more cord blood donations. The process of collecting and transplanting is non-invasive and has the...

Lyme disease: Did you know?
Posted on Monday, May 27, 2019 12:00 AM
In warmer weather, many of us jump at the chance to spend more time outdoors. However, with rising temperatures also comes increased risk of Lyme disease. Check out these tips to help you protect yourself from ticks, which transmit the disease-causing bacteria.
What is a tick?A tick is a small insect that can bite and attach itself to humans and animals. Ticks can extract a bacteria from small animals that can cause Lyme disease.
Early symptoms include: Fever, rash, headaches and chills. If left...