Everyone has tripped, stumbled, slipped, or tumbled at some point in their lives, but for people aged 65 and older, falls can be more serious. 85 percent of injury-related hospitalizations for seniors are caused by falls and half of these occur in their own homes.
As a community hospital, we are currently working on implementing a best practice guideline (BPG) called “Preventing falls and reducing injury from falls”, through our partnership with the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario as a Best Practice Spotlight Organization.
We spoke with Alysia Daley, Occupational Therapist and Osler's lead for implementing the falls BPG about the daily habits we can adopt that can reduce fall risk.
1. Follow the steps outlined by your doctor and care providers for your general health
- Eat well and stay hydrated
- Know your medication and use as directed
- If your blood pressure is low, ensure you rise from bed slowly
2. Your every day decisions can help reduce your risk of falling
- Take your time and watch your step
- Remember to wear glasses, hearing aids if prescribed, with an updated prescription
- Use walking aids if recommended, such as canes, walkers
3. Work with your loved ones and care providers to identify and remove fall risks at home
- Tidy up, check your stairs for items such as laundry
- Use/install night lights if required at night
- Install safety equipment, like raised toilet seats, if needed
- Replace worn shoes, loose, slippery carpets
4. If spending time in hospital, keep yourself safe from falls
- Getting familiar with your environment
- Using the call bell if you need help getting up
- Wearing supportive footwear when moving around
- Letting your care team know if you feel dizzy and if you have had any previous falls
Falls prevention and management is a priority at Osler
Falls prevention is a multidisciplinary approach and all staff and physicians at Osler are dedicated to keeping patients safe. A few things we are doing:
- Upon admission and entering hospital all patients are screened for their falls risk
- We have specific interventions and signage in place to identify patients at risk for falling
- Fall Prevention resources are available to all patients and families